რიგითო მარტიროსიან, მრდო, ძმაო,დღეს სამსახურის, ოჯახური ვახშმის,ბავშვების დაძინების, სერიალის მერე,დიდსულოვნად ვცადე დროის გამონახვა,ვორდის ახალი დოკის გახსნა,საყვარელი ფონტის შერჩევა,რომ შენს სიკვდილზე დამეწერაეს პოსტმოდერნული, გაუპრანჭავი,მედიდური სადიდებელი.რიგითო მარტიროსიან, მრდო, ძმაო,ერთხელ ხომ დავწერე შენი სახელი,ახლა ყოველ…
Author: Karen Antashyan
Yerevan Municipal Council Member Karen Antashyan Calls for a “Greener” Armenian Capital
Urges parents to take kids camping, not to noisy cafes Karen Antashyan, a Yerevan Council member from the Im Kayl (My Step) Alliance, is a writer who wants to see more green…
Shakespeare in the Spotlight of British and Armenian Writers
Armenian poet Karen Antashyan and British writer Fiona Sampson, inspired by Shakespearean sonnets, came up with their own interpretation of Shakespearean sonnets thus giving spark to literary cooperation between Armenia and the…
Gago and Cosmic Boredom
* je suis Gaguique His inner voice questions what’s the use of delivering lahmajos find a proper job to your liking. Your idleness is striking. Why would this bacon in suit speak…
Bonsai. The art of growing trees in containers
* I seem to share my story by trimming the young oak’s roots and twigs. I ask it not to despair and age prematurely but be aware that it will reach its…
The Miraculous Effect of a Peach on the Human Body
Inspired by development strategies,Burdened with concerns of escalating inflation,Blocked in the half-past-seven traffic jams,Filled with the honking of thrombosed cars,Occupied with big discounts on autumn’s collections—This head,The one I’m bringing home… Every…
National Poetry Contest
Start: May 11, 2014 10:00 am End: May 11, 2014 1:00 pm Venue: Alex and Marie Manoogian Hall Phone: +374 10 32-40-40 Address: 40 Marshal Baghramyan Ave, Yerevan, Armenia The 4th Annual…
Karen Antashyan on Hidden People TV show | Civilnet
Karen Antashyan is one of Armenia’s most-read contemporary poets. An ardent proponent of the development and dissemination of the Armenian language and contemporary Armenian literature, Antashyan is fighting against the tide of…
E un Dumnezeu deasupra (Վերևն Աստված կա)
. Ռումիներեն E un Dumnezeu deasupra Cu rugile mamei l‐am angajat pe fratele meu, eu lăsându‐mi slujba şi luând alta mai bună. Rugile mamei ne păzesc de ochiul diavolului, gândul diavolului, vorba…
Diana Der-Hovanessian. Shifting the Sun
* Հերդ մեռավ, իռլանդացիք կասեն, թարսի պես հեղեղին կորցրիր հովանոցդ: Հորդ արևը քեզ լույս դառնա, կասեն հայերը: Հերդ մեռավ, կասեն ուելսեցիք, մի ոտնաչափ էլ սկեցիր հողում: Իր լույսի ժառանգը լինես, կասեն հայերը:…