Armenian genocide is the fact, which divided Armenian history and identity into before and after, the fact of unrecognized and unpunished crime, toward which every Armenian has to have attitude, the fact,…
Author: Karen Antashyan
Der Himmel uber Berlin
Ուզում էի նկարել այնպիսի Բելռին, որը հնարավոր չէր լինի նկարել երեկ չէ առաջին օրը և մեկ շաբաթ անց նույնպես հնարավոր չի լինի: Անշուշտ, ֆոտոն հենց ժամանակի ամենակոնկրետ պահի արձանագրումն է բոլոր դեպքերում,…
20 poetas de Armenia
My poems in Spanish in the anthology of 20 Armenian poets, translated by Alice Ter-Ghevondian and Ana Arzoumanian poetic version, and compiled by Marine Petrossian. It will be published in Buenos Aires…
Karen Antachian | Traduction de l’arménien par Vahé Godel
Traduction de l’arménien par Vahé Godel Si bémol mineur J’aime les immeubles désertés à moitié démolis où vécurent des gens tout à fait ordinaires où se rompirent des couples malheureux la dernière…
* While unaware of everlasting easily starting and hardly ending fuss between women and men from a humble dawn sunflower you dropped, a dew and passed under orange-peach trees filling with yourself…
Translation of Karen Antashyan poems made from the book “Antashat”, published in 2009 in Yerevan. There is God Above With the prayers of mom we get my brother employed, me quitting my…
Antashat. Sand Mandalas
Translation of Karen Antashyan poems made from the book “Antashat”, published in 2009 in Yerevan. SAND MANDALAS *** In my room- filled with silence to the helixes I hear how in the black…
Apple Worm
Holy Lolyan couldn’t stand and on the diabetes diagnosing private laboratory’s accounting department’s narrow sofa at 23:20 had sex with Anatoly Ayounts, director and establisher of newly opened institution, PhD on Medical…
France Celebrates Armenian Culture
By Aram Arkun Mirror-Spectator Staff PARIS — On October 16 to 23, 2011, a major festival called “Arménie-Arménies,” or, in English translation, “Armenia-Armenias,” was organized in France celebrating Armenian culture and the…
President and Prime Minister should visit book presentations? | Tsovinar Karapetyan Founder of Granish Literary Club Karen Antashyan, literary critics Arkmenik Nikoghosyan and Hasmik Hakobyan wrapped up the year of literature in Armenia. “Literature 2011: Time to Throw the…