From the book WTF ♡։ meme-poems
I took a shower, shaved,
dressed in my decent clothes,
perfumed myself, got all handsome.
My queen says, “Oh, how lovely,
where are you off to, man?”
I replied, “Nowhere, sweetheart,
just heading into
people you may know,
and quickly back”.
We all carry our cross.
me also the nails of mine,
a portable miter saw,
roller brush,
wood varnish,
and a hammer.
The Big Event
According to the Chinese calendar,
in the leap year of the wooden green dragon,
on the symbolic last day of winter,
shortly after the annual publication
of the Global Democracy Index
by the UN General Assembly,
under the special post of
world-renowned Armenian chansonnier
Charles Aznavours unofficial Facebook page
the user Astxik-Varuj comented
the emoji of folded hands.
Dying is terribly boring
You realize this for the first time
when you naively count
the minute of silence dedicated
to the memory of martyrs,
which never lasts
more than 15 seconds.
But the second, the second time
you understand the exact opposite,
that death is the only promised
crown of glory for life,
when you see closely intertwined
and polite an elderly couple
in the household goods department
trying with a phone calculator
to figure out whether two small packs
of toilet paper on sale
are a better deal, or the large one –
that comes with a free cola glass.
When you stand too long
in the checkout line of a supermarket,
sooner or later, inevitably,
a problem arises like an anxious thought:
let’s say, by some strange accident,
as the result of a natural disaster,
you find yourself stranded
on an uninhabited island,
You and one of the cashiers.
So, you wonder:
would you prefer that your sole
quickly chosen companion
be the most beautiful
of them all,
or the most skilled
and hardworking
The message
“Yerevan’s oldest bookstore
will turn into a café,”
the symbolic fall
of a bookstore long since closed.
And now the mother polis is heavy-hearted,
heavy-hearted and confused.
But that’s not the interesting part,
in this brief tale
saturated with a fleeting sadness
and full of the musty smell of old books.
The interesting thing is
that, indeed,
symbolic deaths
are always more moving
than real ones.