Այս հրապարակման տակ ուզում եմ հավաքել գրավոր հմայիլների բոլոր նմուշները, որ ձեռքս կընկնեն:
Հմայիլ (phylactery). Constantinople, ca. 1725. Near East Section, African and Middle Eastern Division, Library of Congress (017.00.00)
Prayer Scroll
Hmayils (phylacteries, or prayer scrolls) in the form of highly decorated and illuminated scrolls came into use in the seventeenth century. The manuscripts contained sermons, magical formulas, and prayers to avoid all kinds of dangers—especially to ward off dews (demons). Printed editions, such as this example, were devoted to prayers, Gospel readings, and sermons. The intricate engravings are hand colored. Designed for domestic use and for travel, the hmayil format remained in use until the eighteenth century. This example was extensively conserved by the Library of Congress and restored to its original state.
Ս. Սարգիսն ու իր որդին՝ Ս. Մարտիրոսը. հմայիլ, 15-16րդ դարեր?, Մեսրոպ Մաշտոցի անուան Մատենադարան, թիւ 139, Երեւան, in Claude Mutafian (ed.), Arménie. La magie de l’écrit, Paris/Marseille, 2007